Welcome to CMOJ's Hearing Blog!

If you wish to start from the beginning to the point where I was in Year 11 (2012) to understand me more, please scroll down to find 'Blog Archive'.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

Nearly Christmas, I hope you all are having great time.

I've just been to another routine programming appointment last Monday. I have to say, it went fairly well, and I've been managing to take the tests and came with fairly good results. My audiologist was impressed with me, because apparently it's rare that many people with sequential bilateral implants would get on well like me. I'm not that bothered, as I am only focusing on my hearing alone, I really am determined to get a better hearing because it frustrates me how I cannot understand people much. My audiologist has kindly made his effort in trying to get rid of high pitch noises in my bilateral implant which I have had since the switch-on. He has been walking back and forth from the testing room to computer room. I felt a bit guilty on having to make him walk in repeated pattern for ten minutes or so. But I was a little happier with the results, as the high pitches are no longer annoying, but fairly reduced. Which means he actually turned off two electrodes from me, but he allowed them two to be on if I change programs on the processor.

I have finally completed my college work for the term, which I am so relieved about because I warn you, college work, especially art and photography sure does torture you with balancing work. But I'm definitely pleased with my effort and work, as I believe they look the best I could make.

TIP: If the high pitches are getting to you, talk with your audiologist to try reduce it as possible.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Almost one year...

I've been all tied up with many college work, especially trying to finish my photography assignment before the deadline last Friday! But I believe that I'm coping well in college, just the matter of being given so much work to do that I'm starting to lose my free time. I don't mind though, just as long as I enjoy doing work in the subjects, as obviously I love art and photography. I need to make a start in revising for Business exam coming up in January as I think I'm not ready for it right now!

I was just having deep thoughts about my second cochlear implant, because I noticed recently that I'm not entirely sure if I'm improving much so far. It feels the exactly same since probably March or so. This quite frustrates me because I was really hoping to improve my hearing more by now, but it seems it is really taking its time. Also, I seem to be getting headaches, it feels different from at the beginning because that was like it was attacking your head endlessly, but this time, these headaches are like so tense and pumping through really hard. This still occurs with my old implant alone, which is quite unusual to me because I never get headaches from the old implant. I'm not really sure if I made the right choice to getting second implant as these problems are getting to me that I'm slightly regretting it. But I'm still happy because my hearing definitely improved, it's just not really progressing much at all at the moment. I wonder if it's just normal, or it's because of the small number of electrodes I have, or it's something else.

I don't have my routine programming until next year in July, I thought I heard them say six months which would be end of this year where I had my switch-on. But right now, I'm just too busy to do something about it as college is really making me busy.

TIP: If you get headaches, it's always best to let your cochlear implant centre know, so they can find out how the implant is causing you headaches and try to help you as much as they can!

Saturday, 27 October 2012

First half term of college

Finally! I've completed my first term at college.
From what I think of that, it's been extremely amazing! However, there were few problems but I managed to solved them.
The college is much much much different to secondary schools! I'll have to admit, I'm glad I didn't stay in sixth form! College is just so much better for me, and it's great to feel like I'm an adult too. Secondary schools weren't a thing for me, as I feel like I've matured a lot in last year so I wanted an environment where I can feel like a grown-up. I was rather surprised to how my college seem to never have any bullying or so, that differs a lot from secondary schools. The support have been amazing, and I'm really happy with my assistant as she is a lot funny and she watches out for me, making sure I understand everything.
Now that the first term is done, I'm being tied up with 17 pages of art sketchbook and roughly 20 pages of photography sketchbook to do! Warning, A Levels are actually a lot more than GCSE's!
I've decided to run a new blog where I will contain images of my artwork as an A Level example, so I will include the link of the blog in the next post (if I can remember! My memory isn't great.)

Have a great half term!

TIP: Choosing what to do after secondary schools are much far important than you think! Colleges have great support, as they always make sure you have support.

Friday, 12 October 2012

A Levels Progress...

So I've been at college for a month now. So far, I am very tired, as I come home later than previous school. I arrive home at 5pm or 7pm in some days which I am not used to. Thursdays are the worst - I actually arrive home nearly 8pm, and I have three hours free during the day which I thought to be pointless because the last lesson is put until 5pm from 3pm instead of the free lesson.
Last weekend got me so busy as I attended my boyfriend's brother's wedding, so I had no time to do college work. So you can really guess that I'm tied up with tons of work to do. Thankfully, I have this free weekend to go over them. I was planning to finish my photography work but unfortunately, my teacher took the sketchbook off me, I was really looking forward to finishing it over this weekend because I was enjoying it! So, that would mean I can just focus on Fine Art sketchbook (can be boring because it's similar to GCSE's that I did), and Film Studies work. At least, that's one subject work off my list for this weekend.
My assistant was off this work, so I had few assistants in few lessons. However, not one turned up to cover my assistant today, nor some other lessons from the week. But I didn't mind, because I was already used to it as I've not had an assistant (except two subjects) in GCSE's, so I coped okay. My friend was there to support me as well, so I was fine.
I recently got my currently working grades in few subjects. I've done an exam question practise in Business and received a C, which I am fairly satisfied with. In Photography, it was a D, but it was a start. The teacher also commented that I was very enthusiastic because he noticed how much I was enjoying learning new Photoshop tricks. He offered me some tips as he knew that I use Photoshop in my own time. In Art, I was rather surprised to be told that I am currently working at the grade B, and actually the top student with the highest grade in the class, so I was really pleased with myself. The art teacher said to me that she thinks I would get an A* by the end of the year, so I am really hoping to get that too! It would definitely make my day! I haven't got my feedback from Film Studies, but it seems that I am getting on well in the lessons, so that is okay.
I have been paying £4.50 every morning to get to college on a 1 hour bus journey, but thankfully, I managed to hand in my bursary application and got my free bus pass so that means I can finally save up, especially for Christmas! I was over the moon, because I was struggling with money then, but now, everything is becoming easy!

TIP: If you're planning to go to a college, you need to be aware that the first few weeks will be a great struggle, especially with your disability! Always be prepared and make sure you know a lot, including bursary applications, transport, and much more!

Monday, 24 September 2012

First week at college

I am doing so well at college at the moment. I've just finished my first week at college, and there were few problems.

Firstly, my student ID card didn't work so I couldn't get through the barriers myself, so I went to report the problem and tried again on the next day. It did work, but the rest of the week, it didn't work on the register machines in classrooms. So they renewed my card and I need to try it again on this week. (I get Mondays off, so I attend college on Tuesdays to Fridays.)

I am entitled to a full time note taker, but not one turned up on the first day, but I did manage okay in the lessons. Second day, it still didn't turn up! So I went to the Additional Support department to discuss about this, and they never knew that I didn't have a note taker. This got me quite annoyed, so they immediately made action about this. They provided me one on the last lesson, then I finally got my note taker properly on the next day. She was really nice, and we got on well quickly, bit like best friends as we talked about ourselves and told each other how to work together. Luckily, she knows sign language, so I found that helpful! I had a photography lesson in Darkroom photography, so I struggled to understand the teacher and thankfully, my note taker was there to sign to me. I was really happy then.

So far at college, I managed to make friends, and I was much more confident than the previous school, so I am really proud of myself. And the new implant helped me a lot as well. So, I am really happy with the education, it was much better than secondary school because the college makes sure you're fully happy with everything. I was confident enough to let people know that I am deaf, and the teachers were aware of me and made sure I understand everything.

I have to say, as I expected, I am truly enjoying photography lessons, as this was the biggest reason to why I chose to attend the college, because I am interested in photography careers, and the college is amazing enough to let us enjoy the lessons, especially the darkroom photography lessons and the use of Photoshop!

Unfortunately, after the first week, I was already given college work, and I was so busy with the weekend until now I'm off today, I can catch up.
I was shopping on Saturday to get materials for college, then a friend's birthday meal on the evening, and went to Alton Towers yesterday for her birthday as well! I am rather tired, as I've not managed to catch up with the sleep because I've been getting up at 6.30am and arriving home at 7pm on college days.

Considering I have a long days in college time, the new implant starts to get more painful at the end of the day because I've been wearing it longer now to college. Hopefully soon, I'll get used to it and the pain goes away.

I'm not sure if it's true or not, but apparently, the longer I wear the implant everyday, the less headaches I get. Before, I used to have massive headaches from the implant, but now, I hardly have headaches, unless if I wear it longer than usual on days.

TIP: If you really struggle to keep the will to keep wearing the new implant because it hurts or other reasons, then start thinking positive, like how the new implant will actually improve your hearing! (It really does improve a lot! I wore it every single day since the switch-on, and my hearing massively improved under 6 months!)

Monday, 10 September 2012

New education life.

So, many students have returned to education because it's September now. For me, I have to attend the Enrollment Day on Wednesday, but I'm not entirely sure when I actually officially start. But I'm assuming it'll be on Monday since the new buildings will be opening on that day.

I've sent an email to the college about my request in fourth A Levels, which is Business Studies, and I've not heard anything yet so I guess I'll hear anything when I go in the college.
At the moment, the idea of this new college life actually scares me and I didn't expect it. There is this feeling where I really don't want to go, because mainly I don't know anyone at all. I've grown up to go to schools with my deaf friends. Like when the group I am (or was) in, and we've been growing up together, attended same schools until I left. And this totally scares me. I don't think there'll be one deaf person joining in the same year as me, or even worse, I don't know any deaf people who's attending there. That's because the college is out of my home town or my other deaf friends are older/younger than me so they're in different places.
Also, another thing that scares me, the idea of being independent. Not relying on any teacher of the deaf anymore. I'm used to having a teacher that I can rely on but I left school, and my ex-teacher of the deaf was simply helpful and great but college will be completely different because I'm worried about missing out some words, since they're new to me so I'm not entirely used to their speeches.
Looking at the positive world, I'm sure I'll cope just fine, like I did when I came in nursery, infants, junior and secondary school.

In any case, I may be busy as I would be expecting that I'd get college work straight away!

P.S. The new implant is going as normal, still tiring though but still better than one implant alone!

Thursday, 23 August 2012

GCSE Results

Hello guys!
So you know it was Year 11's GCSE Results Day today... So I returned to my school to collect to see what I had achieved... I was expecting worse but surprisingly, I didn't expect to get a C in English Language! Only worst thing is that I achieved an E in History, but I was expecting that because History involved a lot of writing and that, so I struggled in the subject.

English Language: C
English Literature: D
Mathematics: B
Science: C
Additional Science: C
Religious Studies: C
Information Technology: Merit
History: E
Business Studies: Merit
Fine Art: B
BTEC Art: Distinction

My mother had called the college to confirm my place, but the problem is one of my A Levels, Film Studies, is only one year, so I'll need to pick another subject for the second year so this is quite frustrating but I think I might pick Business Studies.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Interesting Article!

The article I've read about how to prevent hearing loss and so far, it was rather interesting to learn about it... 

 Take a look! 

  4 Things You Didn’t Know About Hearing Loss

Well, it might be impossible for most to believe it, but anyone can suffer from hearing loss, especially if you do not live a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is mostly about being fit for just about anything. Whether you want higher body immunity, stronger muscles or even perfect eyesight, you still have to have a healthy body before you expect the feature you would like. The same thing applies to hearing too. Naturally, a healthy lifestyle minimizes the chances that you’ll suffer from hearing loss.

If you thought that hearing loss only begins at the age of 60, here are 4 things that might change your perception about hearing loss. 

Most people with hearing loss problems are below 65 years old

It comes as a surprise that most of the people who have hearing loss are actually below 65 years of age. Although it is common for people to associate hearing loss to people who are above their sixties, most of these people are actually below 60 years of age. One of the reasons for this is the lack of living a healthy lifestyle, and this can include all sorts of things like the food you eat to the maximum volume that your eardrums can tolerate. 

You can’t know that you have a hearing loss problem

Unlike what we usually think about hearing loss, it is almost impossible to realize that you have a hearing loss problem. You won’t notice that sounds from the environment are getting fainter each day because your body would naturally adapt to the low sound levels. It would thus take some time before you realize that you are in need of a hearing aid.

Your doctor may not find out that you have a hearing loss

It is common for most of us to rush to the doctor when a cold lasts for a longer period than expected. However, no matter how many times you go to a physician, the chances that he/she will discover that you have a hearing loss are pretty slim. This is because less than 20% of the physicians always check for hearing loss.

The earlier you start using a hearing aid, the better

This is actually true. If a person with a hearing loss waits too long before he/she starts using hearing aids, they might end up being less useful when things have advanced to another stage. So, it would be a good idea to find out that you have hearing loss and take the necessary actions.

How do I prevent hearing loss? 

Though hearing loss cannot always be prevented because of genetic variations, keeping the volume of your iPod low is a good way to start preventing it. This is essentially important if you are accustomed to using earphones with rubber buds. Additionally, you should do all you can to prevent loud noises from reaching your ears. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and turning down the volume of your headphones are two great ways to protect yourself from hearing loss.

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Busy Busy Busy!

I've just returned from my holiday in North Devon for a week and it was amazing. I went with my family, so we had been cycling 28 miles, crab fishing, rollerblading, body boarding, shopping and kiting. It was a shame that the river disallowed us to reach the chance to go kayaking which I had been looking forward to the most. At least I did enjoy! Also, the cottage was very nice, quite cosy and we had the river view in the garden which was great! I've noticed that I seem to getting more tired everyday, partly the new implant. At the end of the day, I took the new implant off and there's a relief of silence like you're holding your arms up for long time and they get tired. It's just like that basically. So, if you're considering a second implant, you must must must understand that if you do get it, you must be prepared because there can be struggles on your way such as headaches and tiredness. Always be prepared!

Thursday, 26 July 2012

End of bus trip!

Cannot tell you how tiring it is to be busy every single day of the holidays! Well, I'm naturally busy this year, so I've not had a proper rest all to myself. Usually, I'd be all relaxed and energetic after about a week or two of plenty of rest... Unfortunately, that still hasn't happened as I'd been tied up being out of the house a lot. This includes the bus trip I'd been, with my deaf friend whom I had been friends for 8 years roughly. We've travelled to Northampton, Leicester and Peterborough in three days. The weather had been so kind to us but only that I didn't enjoy the heat because I'm not really a summer person... But it was a great trip, lots of conversations with my friend and great memories.. Especially when I accidently pressed the Stop button on the bus, but thankfully, some people had planned to get off on that stop! So far with my implants, it's still going well... I've discovered today that Laura introduced me to the personal inductive earhook headphones, and I remember trying one out when I went in the Listening Bus at a young age... I've sat next to her on the bus to listen to her music on iPod Touch, and I've forgotten how much they were so cool... Because I have two different cochlear implants, I thought it would be useful to get since I've only got two separate personal audio cables... Then I realised, I haven't got the 'T'option on my new implant yet! So, that will have to wait for a while until I can decide whether to get it or not. For now, it'll be music on my old implant to let the new implant get used to sounds first... If you wish to purchase the personal earhooks, they can be found on here:

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Tune Up Progress

So, I have finally been to my CI Centre for another tune up appointment. I can finally say that I have made a MASSIVE improvement with the second implant! I was truly happy to understand the fact they told me about my amazing progress. One of the listening assessments were to repeat the sentence you hear from the speaker, the statistics say that with my old implant alone, it was at 62%. With both my implants, I have been put to the test to see the difference, and guess the results? Just over 80%! I was actually surprised that I didn't think I would make a massive improvement within six months. And yes, it has now been half a year since the beginning of my bilateral implant life. They have noted me that I can return for another tune up in another six months, so it would be a whole year then. So far in my holiday, it has been pretty much busy, was out of the house for five days and luckily catching my friends on the way unexpectedly... But finally relieved to know that I have my whole week of nothing-ness so that means back to my own time of relaxation! I might have to make a start on my new college homework to avoid last minute homework! And also, I need my gaming hobby back!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012


Cannot tell you how happy I am finally finished my school life... Now is the time to concentrate on my two months of free of worries and that... I've still got plans coming up including my holiday in South England for a week to do some fun kayaking, cycling, rollerskating and going to the beach! Also, I've got few other plans such as my next tune up appointment on this Friday. It's been about 3 months since I last had my tune up appointment, so hopefully there's some good progress when I go there. To be honest, the new implant is quite frustrating now as it's just the same thing, high pitch noise when you turn it on, trying to get used to putting the magnet on your hair when you have thick hair, and the sounds aren't fully recognised yet. Also, it makes me very tired at the end of the day, so I have trouble with catching up with my sleep. Also, I still get headaches but that's rare now, and at the end of the day, you take it off and there's a feeling of relief to finally taking it off. So yes, it is quite frustrating. I've got to attend my introduction day tomorrow at the college, and I'm quite nervous as I do not know anyone who will be going there because it's outside of my town... So it is a little bit scary but I'm sure I'll be fine. On this Saturday, there will be an event of The Ear Foundation, their annual summer BBQ as it is on every year, and this time, I'll be attending there with deaf friend, so I'm looking forward to it! If you're going, then I shall see you there!

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Tied up...

Sorry for keeping you so long... I've been tied up with GCSE's and I have five exams left which is in next week, so that means I won't be back till after then. I cannot tell you how much I'm looking forward to the holidays, meaning I can find my energy back and try to get some more sleep that I owe over last two years. And of course, have fun for two months! But I can't wait until I start college, as obviously this means a new start, which is what I am looking forward to the most. With my implants, it is still the same, so I guess it's actually taking me longer than I thought. The high pitch is still occurring when I turn the new implant on, but that is because the magnet is trying to start its process when you turn it on, so it can be unpleasant at the start but you get used to it. Wish me luck with the exams, and I'll get back to you soon :) Take care

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

26 Miles done!

I am pleased to say that I have completed 26 mile walk to raise for The Ear Foundation! In total, I have raised up to £511.50 altogether... I began my walk at 7am and finished just before half 6 in the evening which is pretty much all day! My legs have recovered well on the next day, luckily and also I had lovely KFC at the end. I thank to those who have sponsored me.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Being 16...

I have to admit that turning 16 didn't turn out what I thought it would be. In fact, it's a lot busier than before in my whole life.

There's a couple of things you have to sort out, including GCSE's, documents, college, and many more. But it's not all too bad.
I have to admit, this year is very busy for me as I have my older sister who is getting married this year. And I've still got my new implant to get used to.

How is it going with my new implant? I have to say, it's pretty much the same except I'm still starting to recognise sounds and for that, I just feel like it's taking its time to get used to the new sounds. I'm actually quite impatient with it as I feel like the new implant is pointless as the sounds aren't fully recognised yet. It's just like putting your new implant on and leave it there while you focus on the old implant more in every single day, which can be quite frustrating sometimes. Also, I'm more happy to know the fact that I seem to be getting less headaches but I do still get them so I would just take both implants off and wait until it settles down. This can take hours to make the headaches go away which is an annoying amount of time.

With my GCSE's, I'm just happy at the moment since I've just started displaying my artwork up at my school's gallery and I have to admit, it's really fun. I'm halfway through and the deadline's next week but I will definitely be done before the deadline. It's amazing how you're stuck in GCSE art for months and finally, you're leaving it behind soon. I bet I'll be quite sad to leave school since I'm leaving everything behind because colleges would be completely different for you.
I just simply can't believe that I've been in this kind of education for 12 years. Mad world, eh?

One of my final pieces in Art :)

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Will you sponsor me?

On 12th May, I'll be walking 26 miles to raise for a charity.
Those of you who are familiar with the Ear Foundation, that is the charity I have chosen to raise for.

I am part of the Ear Foundation and decided that this year was the time that I owe them for supporting me through years. They had been supporting me to making new friends and building up my confidence through summer schools, annual BBQ's and other events.
This is the reason why I am raising for the charity.

If you would like to sponsor me, (I would also really appreciate it!), I have set up the JustGiving page:

Also, if you could spread out the word, I'd really appreciate it.
Thank you! :)

Monday, 9 April 2012

Happy Easter

I have to say that it has been a long absence on my blog. But many apologies to those who have been waiting for me.

Since the last post, I have been busy myself as I was finishing off last touch of GCSE's before I enter in the Easter holidays but I was happy to know that I do not have as much as of homework to do over the holidays but revision. I've been revising Ethics since my Ethics exam is the first in May. I have to admit that I am already a bit nervous about my exams.

My Easter holidays have been so busy so far as I've been down to London to visit my childhood friend. We've been walking miles, like Richmond Park as we enjoy using our feet. Also, it was great to catch up with my friend.

So far with both my implants, I would say it's getting better and less headaches which I am happy about. But until this evening, the great common pain has returned but less worse than I had before. Also, I'm starting to notice that my new implant is more different now as I'm starting to recognise the sounds than just one complete high pitch noise. Commonly, it takes around six months for new sequential bilateral users to get used to their new hearing experience but I have a feeling that I would take more than that, which is probably true since I have not got all electrodes. But time goes fast. In the end, I'll be surprised how I'll be already used to my new hearing experience.

The rest of this week will be a little bit busy as usual as I will be visiting other friends for some catching up to do. But also, I'll be revising other subjects, including History and Maths.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Less pressure...

I cannot tell you how happy I am myself that I have finally completed my art exam project... Meaning I have got little bit of my freedom back.
I've had a long weekend, as I went to Nottingham to have my fourth tune up. I've been experiencing headaches since the third tune up and now I seem to be getting less headaches which I'm very happy about. I think it was because they had turned up my volume too much which caused me headaches, and now my cochlear implant is lower. Also, they suggested that I ensure taking off my implants if I experience headaches again as they thought I was being too determined (which I agree too!) to keep implants on, no matter when I get headaches. But on the good side, they were very impressed with my progress as I've been really happy to have this opportunity in a new hearing experience. Also, I've noticed recently that I'm starting to recognise the sounds. I was testing my voice this morning and I was focusing how it sounded so I would get used to the new sounds.
On Saturday, the temperature was almost unbearable but less worse than in Philippines, I've been to a theme park to meet up with some of my friends, half of them are deaf and the other aren't. It was great to catch up with them, and a lot rather tiring of walking all over town after the theme park, especially in the sun. But I managed to keep my temperature cool.
Just one week of this term before I enter in the Easter holidays which I am finally happy about, so I can relax and try bringing back my energy. Also, I've planned to come down to London to my friend's house for half a week then I'll be meeting up with some more friends for the rest of the holidays.

Possibly more blog posts over the Easter holidays.
Have a good week.

Quick Tip: Like what I will be doing, always take off your implants when you experience headaches...

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Art Exam

Hello all, this is now my first post I've blogged after turning 16.

My birthday was quite normal but I'm glad to observe the peace and quietness at home. Although my presents were very late and still late at the moment, and I am still waiting for my Amazon Kindle. But overall, it was a great birthday, except myself being silly because my birthday cake is the Very Hungry Caterpillar, which is a children's story and I refused to let anyone have a bit of the shaped icing of the caterpillar. (Photo will be attached here.)

Considering the post's title, it will happen tomorrow. The thought of being in one same art classroom all day, 5 hours actually, is pretty much... Interesting. I've done this before in art mock last year, so I should be fine. BUT, another 5 hours will be added next week as this is a real art exam, so it's ten hours altogether. Something to enjoy... At least it's nice to know that there is only ten people in the room because my art group is very small so, we'd have a lot of space around the room. I am quite looking forward to it, because I have a passion for art and I thought of my final response idea, which involves a lot of painting so I am excited. I certainly hope that I do this well enough to get myself a perfect grade for one of my A Levels next year which is Art.

I've been thinking about this year, and I have to admit, it's a very busy year for me. Last year was probably one of the boring years until December where I received my second implant. So, I guess I'll have to prepare for what comes to me.

Quick Advice: Like anyone else says, always be yourself.

Friday, 9 March 2012

First Post

Hello again

This week has been VERY busy for me so I was unable to update this blog for you all.
Starting with a Tuesday when I went to a BSL Social Club after my friend, Natasha, suggested to me that I could go since I'm learning BSL again. So I attended that evening, and it was quite busy. It was the best excuse to take off my old implant and practise with the new implant because it's a BSL club so it's obviously there will be a lot of signing going on. As usual, I was very quiet so I couldn't bring myself to speak to the new people I have met, but I was so interested in watching people sign because I just think it's a simply beautiful language. I enjoyed listening to the people and it was a great time to catch up with Natasha because I hadn't seen her since July where we both went to The Ear Foundation BBQ. It was a good evening, so I was really pleased to have finally met some more deaf people.

On Wednesday, it was a normal school day until in the afternoon. My teacher of the deaf from Nottingham had visited me for a catch up about my new second implant. The last time I saw her was when she paid a visit in a hospital where I had my operation done. It was a great catch up, and she was really interested in what I'd written about the operation experience. She asked for a copy of my writing and a photo of myself so she could use them for next Tuesday as she's meeting some teenagers to talk about second implants.

Thursday, again a normal school day. At 12:20pm, I was ready to leave my school as I had to attend a meeting at the college which I'm going to in this September, (also I just recently got a place!), to discuss what support I would like to have. The hearing impairment practitioner was really nice and provided me many useful information. She recommended me a lot of things to have in A Levels classes, and I did mention about a note taker because obviously when you're deaf, sometimes you can't catch up with writing down notes and listening to the teacher at the same time. I lipread mostly, so that is a reason for a note taker. Also, the lady suggested a 1:1 extra classes to boost up my English. I thought it would be useful since I've chosen to do Film Studies as one of the A Levels because there will be a lot of writing involved (Photography and Fine Art is another A Levels I had chosen).

Finally, today was just a normal school day but glad though since it's a FRIDAY. Meaning I can just snore away and not worry about getting up early. However, the art coursework has to take over the weekend because I have my ten hours art exam next week and the week after that. So, tomorrow, I will be going to town to find some art materials and also to fetch my friend's presents. Then on a Sunday, I will be stuck on finishing off the art preparation. I don't mind since I love being creative and people say they admire my art skills, especially pencil drawings. (I will attach one of my artwork onto this post.)

Did I mention about my birthday? I will be turning 16 on this Sunday, but since I'm not a celebrating person it'll still be a normal day AND a lot of art to do.

Have a nice weekend!

Saturday, 3 March 2012


Hello! My name is Catherine! Cathy for short.

I am introducing myself to you and my new blog!
The reason why I am starting a new blog is because my life had been involved in the hearing world more than the deaf world. That means I didn't sign to communicate, I didn't go to deaf events a lot as I was more involved with hearing people. Just recently, I've discovered how much I missed the deaf world! I have decided to start signing again, (BSL was also my first language so I still remember some signs), and try to attend many deaf events as I can.
I attend a mainstream school with a deaf unit, but because I am very busy with my GCSE's, I hardly attend lessons in the deaf unit (deaf students at my school should have three hours per week but I only have one hour).
I am 16 in one week, so I am quite excited!
I have ten hour art exam coming up, so it is quite scary at the moment, especially when I am working on my art preparation at the moment but other than that, I am looking forward to it because I love art as I am very creative!

In this blog, it will contain different things about deafness plus advice about lifestyle like education, work and more! Also, I like to help my deaf friends at my school with their education as they are younger than me so I can tell them about my experiences and support them.
If you do have any questions, feel free to ask me!