This week has been VERY busy for me so I was unable to update this blog for you all.
Starting with a Tuesday when I went to a BSL Social Club after my friend, Natasha, suggested to me that I could go since I'm learning BSL again. So I attended that evening, and it was quite busy. It was the best excuse to take off my old implant and practise with the new implant because it's a BSL club so it's obviously there will be a lot of signing going on. As usual, I was very quiet so I couldn't bring myself to speak to the new people I have met, but I was so interested in watching people sign because I just think it's a simply beautiful language. I enjoyed listening to the people and it was a great time to catch up with Natasha because I hadn't seen her since July where we both went to The Ear Foundation BBQ. It was a good evening, so I was really pleased to have finally met some more deaf people.
On Wednesday, it was a normal school day until in the afternoon. My teacher of the deaf from Nottingham had visited me for a catch up about my new second implant. The last time I saw her was when she paid a visit in a hospital where I had my operation done. It was a great catch up, and she was really interested in what I'd written about the operation experience. She asked for a copy of my writing and a photo of myself so she could use them for next Tuesday as she's meeting some teenagers to talk about second implants.
Thursday, again a normal school day. At 12:20pm, I was ready to leave my school as I had to attend a meeting at the college which I'm going to in this September, (also I just recently got a place!), to discuss what support I would like to have. The hearing impairment practitioner was really nice and provided me many useful information. She recommended me a lot of things to have in A Levels classes, and I did mention about a note taker because obviously when you're deaf, sometimes you can't catch up with writing down notes and listening to the teacher at the same time. I lipread mostly, so that is a reason for a note taker. Also, the lady suggested a 1:1 extra classes to boost up my English. I thought it would be useful since I've chosen to do Film Studies as one of the A Levels because there will be a lot of writing involved (Photography and Fine Art is another A Levels I had chosen).
Finally, today was just a normal school day but glad though since it's a FRIDAY. Meaning I can just snore away and not worry about getting up early. However, the art coursework has to take over the weekend because I have my ten hours art exam next week and the week after that. So, tomorrow, I will be going to town to find some art materials and also to fetch my friend's presents. Then on a Sunday, I will be stuck on finishing off the art preparation. I don't mind since I love being creative and people say they admire my art skills, especially pencil drawings. (I will attach one of my artwork onto this post.)
Did I mention about my birthday? I will be turning 16 on this Sunday, but since I'm not a celebrating person it'll still be a normal day AND a lot of art to do.
Have a nice weekend!
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