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Thursday, 23 August 2012

GCSE Results

Hello guys!
So you know it was Year 11's GCSE Results Day today... So I returned to my school to collect to see what I had achieved... I was expecting worse but surprisingly, I didn't expect to get a C in English Language! Only worst thing is that I achieved an E in History, but I was expecting that because History involved a lot of writing and that, so I struggled in the subject.

English Language: C
English Literature: D
Mathematics: B
Science: C
Additional Science: C
Religious Studies: C
Information Technology: Merit
History: E
Business Studies: Merit
Fine Art: B
BTEC Art: Distinction

My mother had called the college to confirm my place, but the problem is one of my A Levels, Film Studies, is only one year, so I'll need to pick another subject for the second year so this is quite frustrating but I think I might pick Business Studies.