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Saturday, 27 September 2014

First week of uni...

So my summer is officially over now that I just completed the Welcome Week at my university...
I couldn't find an apprenticeship in the end so now I'm studying in Nottingham. The first week was great and scary as I realised how much more independent I had to be from college to university. I was completely on my own and it was really challenging for someone who's deaf but you get used to it. The tutors were so helpful and they were aware of my hearing loss, I noticed that they made sure that I had their attention and they were facing me when speaking and I was really pleased of that support.
So far, I'm considering take up in so many clubs! I've joined Juggling society and the people were really nice and I made sure that they were aware that I am deaf. I'm considering taking up archery, which the taster session is tomorrow, and maybe badminton. I'm also thinking of film-making society and world wide volunteering. Volunteering abroad is one experience that I really really want to do!

I attended a taster session in juggling society on the first evening and I had learnt two juggling tricks already! I already knew how to juggle so they taught me how to juggle bouncy balls against the floor instead of in the air, and juggling with rings instead of balls. They were so confusing at first but eventually, I got used to it. The juggling clubs looks terrifying as I was worried I'd hit myself with them... But who knows, I could be juggling them soon!

Finally, I received a post letter from the cochlear implant centre stating that I am due to upgrade my right side (old implant) to Nucleus 6. However, I am wondering if I could just delay it until I can also upgrade my left side so I would have both N6 together at the same time. I have asked this three times and none of them got a reply... I did ask them third time and they only replied to say when I am due to upgrade my left side, not exactly answering my question and that was frustrating...

Let the university life begin!

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