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Wednesday, 6 November 2013

First Half Term's Gone!

Greetings, everybody!

I finished my first half term last week and am I so not happy about that! I was enjoying my relaxation from the college work that I had been working so hard for.

I stayed in Nottingham over the week, visited my sister in university and I needed someone to model for my photography work so my sister stepped in.
Even though I did some photographic work, everyone in my class haven't reached the point where I am yet! My tutor said that we would have to hand in our coursework around February and I'm almost finished! So, here's what I'll do... I'll extend the project and enjoy taking more portrait photos, even though I am running out of ideas!

My driving lessons are going well and my instructor thinks I am ready. So he'll book the practical test with me in the next lesson as he said I would need to 'double' book the test (I don't fully understand the meaning of this but apparently it's still the same as a normal test...) as you can't do that online but to call the driving centre up. I'm really excited to finish my lessons so I could have more time on the day of the lessons (and a lie-in as they're in the mornings!). And of course, be able to drive in my own way so I could get comfortable.

So far, I think everything's normal. I've noticed that I am slightly getting headaches but they're not too bad as I tend to ignore it all the time.


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