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Thursday 7 June 2012

Tied up...

Sorry for keeping you so long... I've been tied up with GCSE's and I have five exams left which is in next week, so that means I won't be back till after then. I cannot tell you how much I'm looking forward to the holidays, meaning I can find my energy back and try to get some more sleep that I owe over last two years. And of course, have fun for two months! But I can't wait until I start college, as obviously this means a new start, which is what I am looking forward to the most. With my implants, it is still the same, so I guess it's actually taking me longer than I thought. The high pitch is still occurring when I turn the new implant on, but that is because the magnet is trying to start its process when you turn it on, so it can be unpleasant at the start but you get used to it. Wish me luck with the exams, and I'll get back to you soon :) Take care