Welcome to CMOJ's Hearing Blog!

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Friday, 6 December 2013


I've been very busy with college work as the deadlines are coming closer and I've got lots to do! Although, I did manage to complete one project in Photography so I can get on with the second project and finish off my art project as well. It's crazy at the moment!

I've been having problems with my old cochlear implant as the processor was failing over the last two weeks, so I was suffering then! In the first week, my Freedom processor kept blanking out at random times, even though the screen is still on but frozen as I was unable to use any buttons. So I had to disconnect the parts and give it time before I connect altogether and turn it on again! But it got worse over time as it increasingly blanking out and eventually, it blanked out 10 seconds after I turned it on! I was so frustrated that I decided to make an emergency appointment because I needed my processor for college and driving lessons. So I went on last Friday, and finally sorted it out. My audiology wasn't sure why it was blanking out as she's done different ways, but she assumed it was either that the power of transferring between the internal implant and the external implant (the magnet and the processor) was weakened, or it was down to a faulty part of the processor. At the end, she gave me a stronger magnet... In a mis-matched colour! I have a silver coil, and she gave me a beige magnet because she didn't have any silvers in stock. But I was really happy at the end after not hearing for a whole week! It was a nightmare!

My new implant is still managing okay, nothing's changed much. So you can really see how long a bilateral implant really takes.

Also, I've finally booked my driving practical test! It will be on 20th of January, and I'm really excited and quite nervous! I can't wait to get the lessons out of the way so I could focus on my college work properly, and hopefully steal the family car to college, ahaha!

So December has struck... Are you looking forward to Christmas? I am! I need that long rest!

Merry Christmas :)